2024 Nucs
Over Winter Nucs - these are nucs which were created during the summer from our apiaries and are available immediately after an inspection from the State Apiary Inspector - typically scheduled in early April. The quickest option we have available to go from nuc to full size colony.
Spring Nucs - these nucs are a joint early spring time venture by the beekeeper and the bees themselves. Instead of the beekeeper assisting with the development/raising of queen cells, the bees themselves, who are the true experts, develop each queen cell during the month of April. The beekeeper then creates a starter nuc with queen cell which should hatch days later. The starter nuc with its new queen will grow to a full size nuc towards the end of May.
Summer Nucs - are identical to the spring nucs except these nucs are created early July filling the nuc with bees by the fall time frame. Beekeepers use these nucs over the winter to help with loss replacement of any hives during the winter. Typically these are not in high demand since there is an overwinter risk of losing the nuc. However, they are very useful if a beekeeper loses a queen during the fall or has a need to boost a hive since these nucs can be combined with a full-size hive.
The Beekeeper's Farm only produces five frame deep nucs.

Available NOW!
Body Balm, Lip Balm
Local Raw honey
Local Raw Infused honey

June 2024 - Spring raw local honey will be available
local pick up only (email us for a time to stop by) or find us at the farmer's markets!
Limited quantities of honey at these fine local establishments:
The Whole Ox, Marshall, VA ( 1 lb jars and 4 oz muth jars available)
The Woolley Fox, Middleburg, VA (Honey and Infused Honey available)
Contact us directly by email:
Raw-Local-Honey by The Beekeeper's Farm LLC, Aldie, VA. ,